Power snatch + snatch
Heavy 1

For time
400m run
21 Power snatch – 115/85
400m run
15 Hang power snatch – 115/85
400m run
9 Squat snatch – 115/85

**Here’s our Olympic lifting day, dedicated to the snatch. Building to a heavy single for strength. Keep your form in check and don’t go up in weight too quickly if the movement isn’t clicking.

The workout is a bit of a spin on “Nancy”, the girl WOD we did last month. Instead of overhead squats you’ll be doing a snatch variation each round. Weight stays the same for all three movements. If you need to scale down the weight, scale it based on your weakest movement of the three. If that means you’re doing 45# power snatches because that’s how much you can squat snatch even though you can power snatch 135#, then that’s what you’ll do. And you’ll the other snatch movements with impeccable form as such a light weight.