Front squat
Heavy 3 w/ a 1 sec pause


10 RFT
35 Double unders
5 Dbl DB G2OH – 50/35

**I’m really looking forward both the strength and WOD today for various reason. We’ve been doing a decent amount of front rack work this week with the power cleans/lunges on Monday and thrusters Tuesday, so we’ll see how it holds up on front squats. Add to that difficulty a 1 sec pause at the bottom of the squat. So we’ll see who can count to 1.. who is impatient.. who needs to work on their front rack mobility.. who can maintain good core tension.. and.. oh man, let’s just squat and see what happens! I’ll give you a heads up by saying it’ll be less than your 3RM or any other heavy 3 you’ve done in the past, so don’t let that discourage you. *REALLY* focus on that pause and leading with those elbows out of the bottom of the squat.

The workout was inspired by Open WOD 17.5 – thrusters and double unders. We’ve already done the thrusters this week, but I like the challenge of the dumbbells for some unilateral work and a different piece of equipment while still going overhead. I hope you enjoy it.