Strength 1
1 RM

Strength 2
Yates Row

EMOM x 10
1+ Thrusters – 65% of your 1RM

**I’ll call it what it is – Death by thrusters. We haven’t done a ‘death by’ in awhile, so what a way to start it up again with thrusters, right? Go big or go home. In all seriousness, though, be mindful of how you move. Minutes 1-5 should feel fairly easy. Timewise you’ll be halfway through, but you need to finish up the round of 7 before you are halfway through the total reps. If you’re a person who doesn’t like to put the barbell down, rest with it overhead. If you have no problem cleaning the bar multiples times, break up the reps in as few sets as possible on the last 3-4 rounds.