Bench press
5 x 5
^1 sec pause at the chest on the first 2 reps of each set


12 DB power clean (50/35)
25 Sit ups

**Just a little tempo work on the bench today. You’ll be working at a heavy weight, staying there for all 25 working reps, but pausing at the chest on the first 2 reps of each set. This is tricky! There’s the desire to want to go heavy, but you also have to control the weight at the bottom of the press, and have enough tension in the body (not just your upper body!) to get the bar up. If you know your 1RM, this weight might be around 70%. Keep in mind, though! If it feels a bit easy, instead of adding weight, just be intentional about the bar path, the pause, the drive up, and the following reps. You don’t necessarily need more weight on the bar to make it challenging.