Front squat
5 x 3
Tempo 33×1

20 KB Lunges/total^ (53/35)
30 KB Swings (53/35)
40 Double unders
^Alternate the direction you step each round.

**Wrap up the week by hitting the legs in all the ways. Tempo front squats, lunges, swings, and double unders will do wonders for your sticks. Focus on your breathing/bracing today. On the front squat squats, solid bracing will help you stay upright, keeping that bar in the proper rack position. I think the lunges and swings will take more out of you than you expect (Narrator: Oh.. they know they gon be f*cked up from lunges and swings), causing some slip ups in those dubs if you’re used to going unbroken. Focus on your breathing here vs holding your breath, to help relax your upper body. The more relaxed you are, the less chance of tensing up your traps and your arms moving away from your body which shortens the rope.

**Shout out to those who might be wondering why the workout might look different.. because you got a preview of tomorrow’s workout due to a scheduling glitch. Oopsies!