Strength 1
Power snatch + Overhead squat + snatch balance

Strength 2
5-5-5 (strict work – with boxes, too)

3X max effort (ME) weighted dips

**Good timing this week for our double strength day to back off the volume and intensity a bit. We have three movements in our first strength block, with the ‘snatch balance’ being a new one for most people. The thing to pay attention with this movement is the movement of the bar to get it overhead, and the start/finish position of the feet. No a particularly heavy day even though you’ll be building to a heavy double, this is a great chance to work on overhead mobility and confidence in getting under the bar for snatches.

We last did dips on 9/8, so check back to see what scale you used, how much weight, or how many reps you go, and work to improve those numbers.