25 min AMRAP
10 Handstand push ups
20 Dbl KB Deadlifts- 70/53
20 Pull ups
30 Sit ups

**This is a special workout today, with the movements being favorites of 7AM regular Pete Sui. He is affectionately known as “80% Pete” or “Change-plate Pete” for his love of loading up all the change plates on the bar “because it’s more efficient that way” and staying at 80% effort during the workouts, or just doing ladies Rx. He’s having open heart surgery today, specifically mitral valve repair. This heart abnormality was discovered during a routine physical about 2 months ago. He planned on taking some time off starting at the end of the month, but this revelation put him on injured-reserved sooner than expected.

So there’s no shame in doing ladies Rx today. Keep Pete in your thoughts today. More importantly, draw an awesome board to keep track of your rounds. He’d appreciate that.