400m run
12 Pull ups
21 Amer KB Swings (53/35)

^15 min time cap

Skill/Technique work
EMOM x 12 GOAT work
*pick 2 movement – weight lifting, gymnastics – and spend 30-40 seconds, alternating each movement every minute, working on that movement.

**Benchmark day! *raised hands emoji* We’re starting off with the girl WOD to knock that out while you’re fresh. Check your time against the pictures below and see how you’ve done in the past. And don’t just look at time, look at weight of the KB or how you might’ve scaled the pull ups. Maybe in the past you were swinging something lighter overhead and now you’re swinging a heavier, or even Rx weight, shoulder height. And maybe you went from ring rows to jumping pulls. Even if you have pull ups, maybe you were able to string them together with a kip instead of jumping/strict. Lots of ways to see improvement on this classic workout.

Now that you know what to expect, start thinking before you get into class about what movements you want to workout for the second portion. Again, this is skill work, so it’s slowed down. Even if the intensity is down, plan on working 30-40 seconds and allow yourself time to rest and transition. CrossFit talks about the 10 general skills of fitness (READ IT! see page 4) – 1. Cardio/respiratory endurance 2. Stamina 3. Strength 4. Flexibility 5. Power 6. Speed 7. Coordination 8. Agility 9. Balance 10. Accuracy. The last 4 skills are achieved through practice. A few things that come to mind are double unders, rope climbs handstand work (walking, holds, push ups). We’re not looking to max out a lift or do a 12 min AMRAP as you want to have time and rest to let your body adapt to the new movement. Talk with your coach(es) if you’re not sure on what movements to work on.

*Compare to 4/23/19

*Compare to 8/3/18

*Compare to 10/24/17

*Compare to 2/3/17

Daily Read
A comprehensive critique of The Game Changers documentaryRP

tl;dr version