Skill Work
Toes to bar (T2B)
EMOM x 12
1. Hip Hurdles
2. Arch to pike
3. Toes to bar progressions – 30 sec active/hollow hold hang, kipping ‘beats’ (small kip), lat pull ups/kipping lever, kipping knee raises, etc.

12 min AMRAP
6 Toes to bar
8 Box jumps (24/20)
12 DB hang power clean and jerk/total (1-50/35)

This is a great day to get in some good work on the rig. With that said, be mindful of your time on the rig as we do have toes to bar included in the workout. The first two movements prep your core, hip flexors, and hamstrings, while the last one is where you work on that grip and lat strength as you work towards toes to bar.

As mentioned already, there are T2B in the workout, so don’t burn out your grip or lats in the skill work and find yourself doing singles and doubles just trying to get through the 6 reps. Your form should be better here, not worse, so don’t sacrifice form for more rounds/reps.