500m row
15 Overhead squats (95/65)
12 Pull ups

**The hands get a little more attention today with the pull ups after Friday’s toes to bar work. This is a good chance to think about your grip on the handle for the rowing portion – are you squeezing with all your might, or letting it rest in the crook of your fingers, and only putting pressure on the handle at the catch? (<–article covering the 4 phases of the stroke). Shoulders then say 'what about us?' during those overhead squats. Used to stabilize the bar overhead, they'll still get in some decent work today, especially for 15 reps, and if you do a lot of PULLING on the row vs letting your legs PUSH (aka DRIVE) during those 500m. Break up this workout by each movement, stay relaxed, and mentally start to prepare for the next movement before finishing the one you're on. Breathe.