Back squats
3 x 8 @ RPE 8

30 Double unders
3 Devil Press (50/35)
6 Alternating DB thrusters (50/35)

**Day 5, and I think we’re starting to get the hang of the RPE scale, right? Not only does it apply to strength days when it’s specified, but it can also be used in workouts to assess how heavy you should go. Maybe you’ve been sick a few days or just got back from traveling, and Rx is normally your jam, but you’ve got a little shoulder thing going on and you don’t want to aggravate it. I’d say that means you’d might even want to think RPE 7 kinda day and focus on good form and technique instead of just slopping your way though the workout.

ON THAT NOTE… helluva segue to today’s workout with the Devil Press, and a “new” movement of the alternating DB thrusters. You might be cool doing 3 DPs at this weight, but holyshit did we just throw a wrench in your gears and make you do alternating thrusters. First thing to consider.. how are you feeling from Wednesday’s workout? (physically.. you can DM me if you want to talk about emotionally and spiritually). Plus the squats beforehand.. legs a little wobbly? Hmm.. so this might be that RPE 6.5 day. Ladies Rx is still Rx, and I bet you’ve still gotten in a good workout no matter how you’ve scaled the weight of the barbell DBs, or KBs.

I still want this to be a fast workout. I’m going to go out on a limb and say 8-10 min, 12-15 on the far end. This shouldn’t be a frustrated double under workout – get through each piece. We’ve already done strength work, the dumbbells should pop off your shoulders with 6 fairly unbroken reps. Counter Wednesday’s long workout with a short and fast one. We’ve got double strength on Friday to round out the week. You can make it!

Daily Read
Can you out eat a buffet? *Challenge accepted*
The Hustle