Skill Work
Toes to bar (T2B)
EMOM x 12
1. Hip Hurdles
2. Arch to pike
3. Toes to bar progressions – 30 sec active/hollow hold hang, kipping ‘beats’ (small kip), lat pull ups/kipping lever, kipping knee raises, etc.

10 min AMRAP
5 Toes to bar
10 Front squats (115/75)

*Skill work day to wrap up the week. And since we’re using the movement in the workout, careful about how much volume you’re doing. Keep the reps at 3-5 when you’re on the rig to save your hands. But make those QUALITY reps. You’re not going through the motions; it’s not a ‘for time’ workout. Focus on a good grip on the bar and body position throughout the movement.

Workout is a fast one, and I’d liken this to something you might see in the CrossFit Open – low reps, moderate weight, and something you should try to get 8-10 rounds. One minor limiter here for some will be the ‘commute’ to/from the bar. Others, their grip and stringing together the T2B, or however you scale them. Try to maintain that speed on the front squats as you did with yesterday’s tabata.