Partner workout
14 RFT (7 each)
7 Power clean (135/95)
7 Front squats (135/95)
7 Bar facing Burpee

*P1 works, P2 does double kettlebell rack hold

**One person works while the other person.. works. Yes, that’s correct. Partner 1 is actively using a barbell and their body to complete 21 reps of power cleans, front squats, and burpees while Partner 2 is ACTIVELY holding two kettlebells (KBs) in the front rack position. Hands need to be under the chin on the hold. It’s okay to raise your elbows up, but KB handles should be touching. If you want to interlace your fingers that’s okay, too. There is no specified KB weight to use, but I’d throw out 2-53/35 since that’s the norm with swings, so why not.

If P2 can’t hold the weight and needs to set the bells down, P1 needs to stop working until the bells get back into the rack position. Communicate visually and/or verbally.

What I like about this KB hold is that you’re going to find out how to strengthen your core without doing sit ups or plank holds. You need to stand ram-rod straight here and BRACE to keep the weight up and your body upright. And you’ll be willing your partner to move faster, but they can only cycle the weight so fast. You might’ve gotten a taste of that bracing doing the strict presses on Tuesday, and even on the push presses and wall balls.

Daily Read
Most Supplements are junk, so why do we spend so much money on them?