Strength 1
Power snatch
1 RM

Strength 2

Bent over row

Optional Cashout/Accessory work
3 x 15 good mornings (empty barbell)

**Knocking out out double day early in the week, and we have you going overhead with the snatch a second in a row, but this time we’re using a barbell. This is the fourth time in five weeks that we’ve been doing power snatches on our double strength day, and they have been paired with overhead squats. Here’s a great chance to measure your progress. One thing that I’ll point out is that this is also a good time to really hone in your footwork. When you catch the barbell with your hips above parallel, are your feet in a position that you could immediately drop down into a squat? Keep that in mind as you add weight to the bar. The power snatch isn’t as much about how much weight you can get overhead, but how ready would you be to do a full squat snatch if called upon?