Double Kettlebell/Dumbbell Press
3 x 8 @ RPE 8


6 Strict Pull ups
9 DB Push press (50/35)
12 Wall balls (30/20)

**Here’s that RPE again. As mentioned in yesterday’s post, you’ll see this scale used more frequently for the next 6 weeks.

This might have you asking why the change? Why not stick with ‘going heavy’ or using percentages? And those are great questions. An easy answer would be to mix it up.. for variety.. to try something new. We’ve tried a lot of variations over the last 2 years from EMOMs, to percentages, to high reps and low weight to low weight and high reps. It’s also easier to manage with large groups/lots of people. We’re all doing CrossFit for different reasons, we all have different levels of fitness, and we all have our own specific goals. And using rate of perceived exertion is an easy way to address and scale the load based on the individual. By saying ‘build to a weight you could only lift 2-3 more times’ will allow that weight to be adjusted up or down depending on how you’re feeling going into that session. Maybe sleep wasn’t your friend last night and you had a super stressed day at work so you didn’t get to eat much and you rush to the gym to make the last class. We’re doing heavy 3 deadlifts and you’re aiming to do better than what you did 2 weeks ago, and struggle to get within 25# of that weight. Come back two weeks later and we say RPE 8. You had the same day and you automatically back off on the weight, but still lift something that’s heavy for you based on all those external factors. You still get in a good workout.

This will take some getting used to the new scale. And you might surprise yourself on some lifts.. like today’s presses!

Daily Read

How to Get Better at Learning