3 x 8 @ RPE 8

12 min AMRAP
10 Hand release (HR) Push ups
15 V-ups *scaled options*
20 KB Swings – Amer (53/35)

**You might notice something different about today’s deadlifts. We’re using a new measurement tool for at least the next 6 weeks. Instead of ‘build to a heavy 3/2/1/12’, you’ll see RPE, or “rate of perceived exertion”. We’ve had you lift based on percentages, based on ‘feel’ with the heavies, and this is another way to feel out the weight. You’ll have time to build up to that working weight, and then you’ll stay there for 3 sets.

It’s a way to self regulate the intensity of a workout especially if you’re coming into it super stressed, sleep deprived, or you’re on your 5th day in a row. Nerd out on the link above.

Daily read
Nerd out on the elbow muscles: Anterior Flexors