Strength 1
Hang power snatch
Heavy 2

Strength 2
Snatch balance
5 x 3

**Building on a few foundations from 2 weeks ago when we last did Snatch work for double strength day. We started off with a muscle snatch and hang power snatch, followed by overhead squats. Today we eliminate the muscle snatch to focus on the hang power snatch for a double, and working on the speed under the bar with the snatch balance. As explained by Catalyst Athletics in the previous link, “the snatch balance develops strength in the receiving position for the snatch like the overhead squat, but also adds the elements of speed, timing and precision.” It also builds confidence in getting under heavy weights.

You’ll increase in weight for the hang power snatch, but stay at the same weight – even if it’s just an empty barbell – for all 5 sets of the snatch balance.