Partner WOD
7 rounds each
12/8 – bike cal
8 dball shoulder (4/4) – 100/60
6 Handstand push up or strict HSPU (2 wall walks or 12 seated DB press)

*One person works while the other one rests. Get through all three movements and then it’s the next person’s turn. What I like about this partner workout is that it forces you to work hard for your time, then you get to rest. It should be close to a 1:1 work/rest ratio. This allows you to keep the intensity up each round, which would be more difficult to do if you had to do this 7 rounds solo. If that were the case if you want to try this on your own at open gym sometime, rest the same amount of time that it takes you to complete a round.

I’m giving a few scaling options for the handstand push ups – wall walks or seated dumbbell presses – legs out front, sit tall. These should be pretty challenging. And even if you have HSPU, I highly recommend adding seated DB presses to your repertoire before or after class.