10 RFT
200m run
7 Power snatch (95/65)
7 Overhead squats (95/65)
7 Burpees

*35 min time cap*

**Using the skill/technique work from Monday’s double strength day and putting it to use in a workout. Take a slow day and now see if you can do that movement, or movements, quickly and frequently over a set number of reps or time. There’s a decent amount of volume here, and your overhead strength and stamina will be put to the test. This is similar to Wednesday’s workout in that the reps are low enough that you might be able to string a few rounds of snatches and squats together, but even though burpees will start to tire out your arms. Go unbroken if you can, then scale to sets of 5-6 power snatches, rest a bit, and try to keep those overhead squats unbroken each set. No shame in using a lower weight – that’s my plan – as this is more of a cardio workout that strength. Keep that in mind.

Additionally, the time cap isn’t there to stop you from working hard or to “just do as much as possible”, but to encourage you to move as quickly as possible (with good form/technique) and keep everyone finishing within the same time frame. Ideally, I’d love to see a good chuck of people in the 20-25 min range.

Daily Read
To Tell Someone They’re Wrong, First Tell Them They’re Right: Getting People to Change Their Mind