20 min AMRAP
5 Bar muscle ups^
15 Wall ball – 30/20
30 Double unders

^Scale – 10 C2B pull ups (or regular pull ups/jumping C2B)

**I believe I’ve mentioned before that some upcoming workouts would be geared towards preparing you for the open. This is one of those workouts for a few reasons, but mostly because I expect all of these three movements to be in at least one of the 5 workouts over the 5 weeks. Muscle ups are becoming the new chest to bar (C2B) pull ups, and C2B pull ups are becoming the new pull ups. If you want to do well in the Open, you need to step up your game.

So we’re making you step up your game in this workout that includes a high skilled gymnastics movement, a heavier than usual weight for this weight lifting movement, and ol’ reliable double unders. This is a long workout and will feel longer than 20 minutes. Now, I highly recommend scaling any or all of the movements if they give you any hang ups. If you recently got your 1st BMU, try a few, then move one. Don’t spend 20 minutes and only accomplish 4 BMU and ripped up hands. Similar with the heavy wall balls.. first off, HIT THE LINE. Seriously. It’s a basic standard for the movement. Maybe break out the reps a bit more or scale the weight of the ball, but you need to be hitting the target – 9′ (red) women, 10′ (blue) for men – before you bump up the weight. And with double unders.. try. Try to get 1 or 5 or 10 or 15 each time. Not happening? Move on.

Work on your weaknesses, but not to the point of despair and frustration. Save it for the Open.