Strength 1
Power clean
Heavy 2

Strength 2
Romanian deadlifts

Optional cashout/accessory work
Get upside down
Handstand holds, freestanding handstands, handstand walk, etc

**What I like about working on heavy power cleans is the chance to work on foot work. It sounds simple, or you might be thinking ‘huh?’, but paying attention to your foot work can help improve your squat cleans as well. Even though we’ll be catching it above parallel, you’ll still need to move your feet to get under the bar. Use that second pull to elevate the bar as high and as quickly as possible before pulling yourself under. Now a key thing here with your footwork is to avoid the dreaded ‘starfish’. Work on jumping your feet out only as far as you would for a squat, not a sumo deadlift high pull. Keep to that normal stance, and if you “miss” the power clean, you can ride it down to the bottom of the squat instead of falling back as you try to limbo the bar.

Optional work post strength #2 gets you upside down. Hang out for time, work on creating space from the walk, try some walking, etc. Get comfortable getting inverted.