Hey Old Cityzens!

First off.. shout out to everyone that reads these posts… aka, my nonsense, my drivel. I started these weekly posts at the end of October 2016 to help members plan ahead. I’m not a fan of ‘cherry picking’ workouts – aka, coming to the ones with the movements you like and skipping all of the running when it’s cold out – but wanted to give out enough info to give you something to look forward to. To build excitement so you could bring your lifting shoes or your jump rope instead of bringing in all your gear every day ‘just in case’. It has evolved over the years based on.. well, mostly what I think you want to know. I’ve heard a little feedback such as the posts are too long (those comments I ignore, obvi..), the video links are helpful, and they enjoy the tips on how to attack a workout. I’ll never claim that what I say is accurate, such as being off by 5+ min on how long a workout should take, or that it’s the ONLY way to do a workout. It’s just what comes to mind when I sit down at my laptop..

(livestream vid of me RN)

And then this article popped up in my Facebook memories this weekend.

It was weird to read it again since I don’t like to read stuff about me, but it gave me a chance to see how I’ve changed over the last 2 years. So, as the the posts have evolved, I continue to evolve as a coach. Keep learning, keep adjusting to the members needs and daily moods, and maybe relaxing my side-eye on late arrivals to class (that’ll be a tough one… ). Coaching every day is a challenge, but it’s a challenge I enjoy. I strive to make 1 person an ounce better each day.

I feel fortunate to do what I do, and I’m sure all the coaches feel that way or we wouldn’t be part of the staff at Old City. We’re adjusting to our members needs and always evolving.

With that said, as we work to make you better athletes in the gym and people outside of the gym, I challenge you to challenge yourself everyday.
– What do you want to get out of that day’s workout?
– What will you do to improve by 1% every day?
– Could you teach someone new how to air squat?
– Could you lead the class in the Burgener warm up?
– Do you know what it should feel like to brace for a heavy deadlift?

I think CrossFit is a great workout, but knowledge is power. Don’t just come in and do what you’re told and leave. Ask questions! Make us work harder! It will benefit us both – coaches and members.

I’ll follow this up with a reminder of our weekly podcasts. Last week you learned about Meg and her stronghold on the Old City Swim program, and this week you learn about.. well, shit, look at that.. you learn about me. How awkward is that, that this post is about me. Now I’m at a loss for words trying to ‘sell’ the podcast. Ha! I’m not sure what to add except I had a good talk with Sean last month, and you might learn a little more about me. And that I’m more than just a ‘mean coach’. Knowledge is power, y’all!

Okay let’s talk about some important stuff, like the workouts coming up this week.

– Clean and jerk. Fine tuning your technique. Little barbell couplet afterwards to get the blood pumping.

TuesdaySexy metcon day! A little running, jumping, lifting.. y’know, fun stuff!

– Double strength – snatch and push press – so hopefully your calves have recovered enough from 18.3 so you can dip/drive. A little high intensity biking and picking up heaving things afterwards.

– Some accessory strength work with Bent over Rows followed by the girl WOD “Jackie”

– CrossFit Open WOD 18.4

– Back squat day, 2’s and pausing, followed by a sexier metcon!

– Memorial workout for the victims of The Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007.