That’s right folks, Old City’s CrossFit Endurance Program is getting a facelift!  Morning Coach, Jen Jacobs (and 100-mile-run racer), is taking the reigns.  She’ll be helped out by fellow morning coach, marathon extraordinaire, and recent Boston Marathon competitor Shawn “Russ” Russell.

From ultra marathons to 10ks, from sprint triathlons to iron-mans, from tough mudders to adventure races, Jen and Russ are there to prepare you for your race.  All you have to be is an Old City ‘Unlimited’ CrossFit member and you can join the Endurance Team.

Simply email [email protected] to get started.

Jen or Russ will get back to you, find out what race you’re currently training for and build a plan that will help get you ready for it.  Don’t have a race in mind?  Fear not, Jen and Russ can help you find one.  Want to do endurance training, but don’t want to race?  No problem, just shoot us an email and let us know your goals.  Jen and Russ will build your training schedule around Old City CrossFit’s schedule to ensure you’re showing up to CrossFit on the right days, running at the right times, and resting enough to maximize results.  They will also be available to answer questions and follow up on training weeks via email (or in person if you’re a 5 or 6am kind of person).

Primarily the coaches will provide you with the programming required to train for your race, but once we find a place to do it we’ll start having weekly meet ups for endurance running practices.  Also, if triathlons are your goal, Old City’s upcoming SwimWODs (starting in June) are an ideal piece to your training puzzle.

Ultimately, if you love CrossFit but you want to focus your training for longer, more endurance heavy fitness, this is for you.  All you have to do is be an Ulmited Old Cityzen and access to the Endurance Team is free (to upgrade membership from 3x per week, email [email protected]).

What are you waiting for?  Email us at [email protected]!