


STRENGTH A1 - Barbell Romanian Deadlift 4x8* *Aim for 70-80% 1 RM DL A2 - KB Pullover 4x10 WOD AMRAP 14 7 Pull-Ups 40 Double Unders 11 Push-Ups

The Week Ahead (9/22)

Friends, I hope you had a lovely weekend. We're incredibly excited to offer sprinting 101 with coach Turner this coming Sunday, the 29th, with coach Turner. The Fields at RFK at 10 AM. Expect an [...]

The Week Ahead (9/16)

Friends, we've got another awesome week ahead. And thanks to all those that came to our Sunday Handstand Push-Up seminar, hopefully you can apply what you learned Tuesday! Monday - Core Strength EMOM up [...]

The Week Ahead (9/9/24)

Team, OH man it looks and feels like Fall, hope you guys got outside. Should be another fun and diverse week: Monday - Strength Day. Squats, followed by an EMOM with Strict Press, Barbell Bent [...]

The Week Ahead (9/3)

Hi Guys, Forgive the late post! We had a very nice Labor Day adventure with a bunch of little ones, but man do tiny babies slow you down. The week ahead: Tuesday - Power Snatch [...]

The Week Ahead (8/26)…

Friends, Hope you've dusted off your flannel, fantasy football apps, and pumpkin spiced everything... Labor Day is coming up! Speaking of next Monday, look for normal classes to be cancelled next Monday and replaced by [...]



WOD 5 Rounds of 3 Minute AMRAP/1 Minute Rest 1 Power Clean (185/135) 3 Double Push-Up Burpee 9 Air Squat


STRENGTH A1 - Strict Press 4x5 A2 - Barbell Pendlay Row 4x8 B1 - Weighted Strict Chin-Up 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict 4x5 @ Negatives 4x8+ @ Band B2 Bench Dip 4x10 *Elevate Feet [...]


Core EMOM 9 Core/Skill A1 - Pistol Negative Practice 3x3/Leg *Go lower by stacking short boxes and plates. 5 seconds per rep. WOD AMRAP 17 4 Deadlift (225/155) 6 Knees to Elbow 12 Pistols (6/Leg) [...]


Strength Beach Muscle EMOM 9 1 - 1x12 DB Hammer Curl (2x30/2x20) 2 - 1x12 Flat DB Tricep Extension (2x30/2x20) 3 - 1x15 Band Anchored Leg Raise Partner WOD You Go I Go 28 Rounds [...]


Strength A1 - Back Squat 8-8-5-5 WOD 500m Row Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) 15-10-5 Sit-Ups 30-20-10


WOD 12 Rounds 2 Power Clean (165/115) 3 Burpee Pull-Up 8 Side Shuffle (1 Mat or 1 Bar) *27 Minute Cap Mobility A1 - Wall Pigeon 1x90s/Side A2 - Overhead Band Lat Stretch 1x60s/Side [...]


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