The week ahead.. May 15th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and are ready to put in another SOLID week of work. Memorial Day Murph “Murph” is one of CrossFit's Hero WODs, honoring Navy Lieutenant Michael [...]
The week ahead.. May 8th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend and spent some time relaxing or being productive. You do you! May Newsletter Did you get it? If not, check it out HERE! And let [...]
The week ahead.. May 1st
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend, and that Sunday's rain didn't dampen your spirits at all. There's the saying 'April showers bring May flowers', and I do hope we have a [...]
The week ahead.. April 24th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. It went from being summer to being spring very quickly! I know this is the end of spring break for some schools. Do you know [...]
The week ahead.. April17th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. It's starting to feel like summer! Master the Basics With the Memorial Day classic workout "Murph" coming up in just over a month, we'll be [...]
The week ahead.. April 10th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend.. maybe even a Happy Easter or Passover, or just enjoyed the nice Spring weather. It looks like we're back to Spring now, right? Or will [...]
STRENGTH Snatch 5x2 WOD AMRAP 7 3 Deadlift (185/135) 3 Burpee 6 Deadlift 6 Burpee ...
STRENGTH A1 - Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8/Leg A2 - Weighted Chin-Up 4x5... B1 - Weighted Dip 5-5-3-3-1 B2 - DB Incline Seal Row 4x10
WOD 8 Rounds of 3 Minutes 15 Wall Balls Row 15 Cal/Bike 12 Cal *Alternate Bike/Row *Score is completion AND time of Round 8 MOBILITY A1 - Wall Pigeon 1x90s/Leg B1 - Half Kneeling Band [...]
Strength/Skill A1 - Weighted Pistol* 4x2-4/Leg @ Weight 4x2-4/Leg @ Strict Bodyweight 4x2-3 Negatives** *All one leg then the other side. **Lower and lower. A2 - Supported KB/DB Single Leg RDL 4x10/Leg WOD 15-12-9-6-3 Chest [...]
Partner WOD You Go I Go Team 400m Run (Together) 20 Rounds (10 Each) 14 Med Ball Box Step Ups (30/20)(24"/20) 5 Strict Matador Dips 5 Strict Pull-Ups Team 800m Relay (4x100m each) [...]
Snatch Mobility A1 - PVC Sotts Press 3x5 A2 - Band Face Pull 3x10 Strength B1 Snatch 5x2 WOD For Time 15 DB Thruster (2x40/2x25) Rest 1 Minute 20 DB Thruster Rest 1 Minute 25 [...]
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