The Week Ahead – 2/17/24
Team, I hope you all are doing well! I made a mistake last week and mentioned 1 RM Snatch would show up this week. I was wrong, and it will show up next week. For [...]
Strength A1 Tempo Back Squat 4x3 Down for 5, pause for 1, up with power (51X0) Partner WOD You Go I Go 10 Rounds (5 Each) 10 Floor Press (2x50/2x35) 1 50" DB Walking Lunge [...]
The Week Ahead – 02/10/25
Team, Damn, just when we were getting our running groove going there might be more snow! Lucky for us the temps are "higher" than last time, and our running this week is Friday. All the [...]
The Week Ahead – 02/03/25
Friends, The week ahead and commentary: Monday - Keep it simple yet challenging... Medium distance AMRAP with Squat Clean at 185/125, chest to bar pull-ups or bar muscle up option, and 200m run. Prior to [...]
The Week Ahead – 1/27/25
Friends, Looks like some above-freezing temps, so we'll start the week getting back outdoors. The week ahead: Monday - Strength is Floor Press and inclined seal row. Can you go heavier on floor Press than [...]
The Week Ahead – 1/20/25…
Team, Friends, Old Citzyens, I hope you're hanging in there... it's dark, icy, everybody is sick... but there's a ton of reason for excitement: the CrossFit Open starts on 2/27! I like to think we've [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Front Squat 8-6-4 WOD Partner WOD You Go I Go 40 Box Jumps (24"/20") 20 KB Complex (2x53/2x35)* 80 Sit-Ups 20 KB Complex *1 Complex = 2 KB Front Rack Squat + [...]
WOD "Lynne" 5 Rounds of 4 Minutes Max Effort Bench Press (165/105) Max Effort Strict Pull-Ups* Choose weights/scales that allow for 10-12 bench reps round 1 and 2, and 5+ pull-ups round 1 and 2 [...]
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x15 DB Half Kneeling Woodchop (25/15) 2 - 1x15 DB Half Kneeling Woodchop 3 - 1x20 DB Plank Drag-Through (25/15) WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Hang Power Clean (135/95) Run 200m 30 [...]
WOD CrossFit Open 20.2 20 Minute AMRAP 4 DB Thruster (2x50/2x35) 6 Toes to Bar 24 Double Unders Mobility A1 - Wall Middle Split 2x60s A2 - Seated Straddle Side Bend 2x3/side* *Hold for 10s
STRENGTH 021825 – Strength Workout A1. Pistol Squat 4x3-5 @ Weight 4x3-5 @ Strict 4x3-5 @ Negatives A2. Handstand Kick-Up 4x3-5 Reps Hold Handstand for 5 seconds Try not to move hands between reps RX+: [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Split Jerk Balance 4x3* *Empty Bar or Light Weight B1 E2MOM x 14 (7 Rounds) 3 Split Jerk WOD AMRAP 7 3 Deadlift (185/135) 3 Burpee 6 Deadlift 6 Burpee ... *Compare [...]
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