“A river cuts through a rock not because if it’s power, but because of it’s persistence.”

The key to success, in anything, is consistency. The more you practice the more proficient you will become. Double unders, muscle ups, handstands, these are not skills that mature in an instant. They have to be raised with care and love and you must never give up on them, even when they appear grown. It sounds simple but it can be very difficult. Practice requires time, dedication and sacrifice. Proficiency comes with focus, attention to detail and relentless repetition. It is not power, but persistence that will take you to your goals.


Through that persistence you will gain strength. You will see yourself achieving things and be motivated to set higher goals. You will feel a difference in your body and spirit. People around you will notice and comment on it. One day your belts will all be too big and your sleeves too tight. This will all seem to have happened suddenly because you were not focused on the result, you turned your sights towards the process. Your persistence will bring you powerful results.

Old City CrossFit is launching a gym wide Accountability Program. We are providing a platform for people to set realistic and achievable goals, as well as a support system from coaches and athletes alike.

The program will be 12 weeks long. Athletes participating in the program will be held accountable for gym attendance + accessory work specific to their personal goals. Athletes will also be paired with a coach and other athletes with similar personal goals to form small teams. On top of personal goals, teams will come together to form 2-3 team goals that every member will have a part in completing.

Teams will be grouped as follows:

  • Nutrition: lose weight, improve health, learn to cook better, etc…
  • Barbell Strength: Improve your squat, deadlift, OLY lifts, etc…
  • Gymnastics Strength: pull ups, muscle ups, handstands, etc…
  • Endurance: train for a marataon/half, triathlon, adventure races, etc…
  • Lifestyle: better sleep, lower stress, etc…
  • Mobility: improve movement positions, conquer nagging pains or injuries, etc…
  • Have another goal that’s not listed? Cool, let us know!

These are just suggested goals, the limits are endless. Whatever it is that you’ve been wanting to do, we will help you get there! Get creative! You coach and your team are always there for you.

The 12 weeks will be broken down into 3 phases, each designed to push you closer towards your goal:

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 Goal Setting and Habit Forming

These first few weeks are about getting to know your coach and your team members. It’s also about getting to know YOU and establishing the habits that will carry you through the entire program and beyond!

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 Reinforcing and Readjusting

After a month or so your body will begin to adjust and the goals we set in Phase 1 may have been achieved or need to be adjusted. You will continue to meet with your coach and team members.

Phase 3 Weeks 9-12 Growth and Expansion

The last phase of the program, by now we should be comfortable with our new habits and looking for ways to push past our previous limitations.

To express interest in being a part of the program or if you are unable to attend the meeting please email [email protected] with the subject “Accountability” for more information or post or goal/ideas to comments.