The Week Ahead – 3/24/25
Friends, Team, We hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely weather and the equally lovely workouts. The week ahead: Monday - Cindy + Rowing. Lots of volume on pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats. At our [...]
The Week Ahead – 3/17/24
Team, Friends, Amazing work by so many over the last few weeks... the Open pushed us, and our community rallied around the challenge. Thanks for making this all so much fun. The week ahead: Monday [...]
The Week Ahead – 3/10/25
Team, It's looking like it's going to be a beautiful week. Friday marks the final CrossFit Open WOD. Remember, we'll wait until Thursday's announcement to plan our Saturday Partner WOD. No double strength this week. [...]
The Week Ahead – 3/3/25
Team, Week One of the Open is gone in a whirlwind, and we're on to the second challenge this Friday. If you haven't already, I think our Facebook/Instagram had a few snippets of Friday Night's [...]
The Week Ahead – 2/24/24
Team, Hope everyone is ready to hit another strong week of training! Here’s what’s coming up: The Week Ahead: Monday – We kick things off with “Ghost”, a Crossfit Benchmark where the score is total [...]
The Week Ahead – 2/17/24
Team, I hope you all are doing well! I made a mistake last week and mentioned 1 RM Snatch would show up this week. I was wrong, and it will show up next week. For [...]
WOD 5 Rounds 90s work/90s rest 8 Over the Bar Burpee Time Remaining: Max Effort Power Snatch 135/95) Beach Muscles EMOM 12 Minutes 30s work/30s rest 1 - Max Effort Barbell Curl (45/35) 2 - [...]
STRENGTH 1 - Bench Press Drop Set 4x 5 + ME* A2 - DB Curl 4x10 (2x30/2x20) *5 reps - rest - Max Effort WOD 5 Rounds of 90s Work/90s Rest 8 Over the Bar [...]
STRENGTH Core Strength EMOM 1 - 1x20 DB Plank Drag Through (1x35/1x25) 2 - 1x30s Adductor Side Plank 3 - 1x30s Adductor Side Plank WOD 12 Rounds for Time 3 Hang Power Clean (135/95) 4 [...]
Strength A1 Barbell Sumo RDL 4x8 A2 KB Pullover 4x10 B1 E2MOM x 9 (18 Minutes) 1,2,3 - 1x5 Strict Press 4,5,6 - 1x3 Push Press 7,8,9 - 1x1 Split Jerk *add weight as you [...]
WOD AMRAP 24 3 Rounds of Cindy Row 500/400m Cindy = 5 Pull-Up* 10 Push-Up 15 Air Squat *option for 2 Bar Muscle Up
Strength A1 Bench Press 3x5 A2 Tricep Kickback 3x10/arm Partner WOD You Go I Go 16 Rounds (8 Each) 5 Deadlift (225/155) 20 Bodyweight Reverse Lunges 10 AbMat Sit-Ups
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