Strength 1
Barbell lunge

Strength 2

Deadlift – deload
3 x 3 @ 70% on the 90 sec

Cashout WOD
For time
1-2-3-4-5-6 Man maker (45/30)
15 Sit ups after each set of MM

**So we’re continuing the deload for deadlifts, and working in other movements for the first portion of the double strength day. Yes, the weight is light.. that’s sort of the point of a deload. We want to remind the body of what it feels like to deadlift even if it’s not at a high/max attempt. Here’s a chance to practice virtuosity.

As for the workout the weight/reps are designed for you to move fast. If you struggle to knock out 15 situps quickly, scale it back to 10. Those first 3 rounds are going to fly by, but keep on moving quickly. Pick a partner and race them.