Bench press
10 RM
10 Overhead squats (115/75)
10 Toes to bar
**Lots of shoulder stability work here, in a couple different planes. First we’re gonna tax you with that 10 rep max bench press. Then follow that up with some overhead squats. Going back to the bench press for a second. Just because it says 10RM doesn’t mean you go at it with sets of 10 building up to that final set/max. You’re gonna tire yourself out! Start with a good shoulder a pec warm up, get in plenty of rest between sets, and get that scap locked and loaded before you unrack the bar. Back to the overhead squats, you’ll need that ‘locked and loaded’ scap to support that barbell overhead. In addition to pec and shoulder warm up, get in some roller or lax ball action on your lats. Aim for just under your pec/bra line. You can even get after that spot with your thumb and forefinger. Give it a shot. I find it warms me up a bit more, especially before toes to bar.