Strength 1
Deadlift – 75% x 2

Strength 2
Deadlift 8×3 @ 60% (90s rest)

Cashout WOD

2 DB Curtis P (50/35)

(Hang Clean, Lunge R, Lunge L, S2OH, w/ 2 DBS)

**Okay, here’s the main event for this week. And this is how it’s going down.

You will have ~15 minutes to build up to 75% of your deadlift GOAL 1RM. That doesn’t mean weights at 50, 60, 70, the 75% DONE IN 7 MIN!. *wiping hands clean*


During this first session you are working on your set up, aka your approach to the bar – screwing your feet into the ground, bracing your midsection, getting tension in your hamstrings, and setting your lats before you pick the bar up off the ground. Every set should have the same set up no matter how much weight you have on the bar.

I also want you to think about this as a powerlifting day, not a CrossFit day.
Deadstop deadlifts – NO BOUNCING, No TOUCH AND GO. No wiggle room on this one, folks. When we do DLs in a WOD you can bounce the fcking bar all you want, but not during strength; NEVER during strength. If you think I’m calling you out – good. Change your bad habits while the weight is light.
– Speaking of light weight – no dropping from the top. Pick the bar up and set it down EVERY. TIME. Another bad habit to stop.
– No mixed grip today. Double overhand only. Need to work on your grip? Okay, fine. Hook grip. We’re not maxing out, so no need to turn one hand. You’ll survive.

Now, with that out of the way, again.. you’re building to 75% of your GOAL 1RM (what you’d like to hit at the end of these 10 weeks) for 2 reps.

Possible rep scheme – 5-5-5-3-3-2-2. This includes RDL warm up and staying at the same weight a few times.

For the next 15 min we’ll be doing ‘speed sets’. You’ll rest a little, then take weight off the bar until you’re at 60% of previously mentioned max. We’ll set the clock for 8 rounds of 2 minutes in which you’ll pick the bar up off the ground and SET IT BACK DOWN 3 times, then rest the amount of time remaining. These are still deadstop deadlifts.

“but.. but.. h-h-h how can I possible do fast deadlifts without bouncing the bar off the ground??”


The speed is the acceleration of the bar from a deadstop to full extension.

“but.. but.. won’t I hurt myself if I pick the bar up too quickly??”
Not if you’ve done the prep work in the first 15 minutes.

Get used to this structure – build to a %, then drop down for speed sets.