Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
3 x 8 @ 50-60% of Deadlift (DL) 1RM

100m Farmers Carry (50/35)
50 Double unders
15 Deficit Push ups (On dumbbells)

**We tend to use RDLs to warm up for any barbell movements, so here’s a chance to throw some weight on the bar and put all that technique work to use.

Also, anytime we talk about deadlift 1 rep max for the next 1 weeks, we’re referring to what you’d like to hit at the end of the cycle. So if your last max was 285, maybe shoot for 300#, then your RDLs would be at 150#.

The workout that follows won’t tax your posterior anymore, saving it for the deadlifts (double strength day, remember!) tomorrow. But before then, we’ve got some DB carries – putting the last 3 weeks of strength to use – jumps, and push ups. This is a great strength, metabolic conditioning, and gymnastics workout. Don’t underestimate that transition from the carry to the double unders, or even how taxing the carry will be. If you over grip the DBs or walk with tense traps, you might have some trouble staying relaxed on the dubs. Focus on efficient technique – jumping from the ankles (no donkey kicking your butt) and spinning the rope with your wrists vs from the elbow or shoulder.