Skill/Technique work
Muscle snatch – 5 x 3 for technique.
*Not a heavy 3

CrossFit Open 17.5-ish

For 4 rounds, do
3 min work, 1 min rest
9 Thrusters (95/65)
35 Double unders (or 35 singles)

^Pick up where you left off at the end of each round. Score is total rounds + reps.

*If you struggled with the snatch complex from yesterday, today is a good day to take a step back and really do some technique work. Yes, ‘technique’ is listed more than once, and I’ll keep saying it. We’re working on the 3rd pull here, reinforcing proper body mechanics of the turnover. How many of you could tell me the 3 main parts of the Burgener warm up and their purpose? This should look familiar is I’m giving you the answer to #3.

The workout is a shake up of Open workout 17.5 We’re slicing it up and adding in some rest, hoping to keep the intensity up. Let’s see how far you get compared to last year during the Open.