
Power clean – 155/105
Chest to bar Pull ups
1 Wall walk after each round

*So one thing to point out about today’s strength.. and on all strength days. We are building to a heavy set of 2, 3, or 5 reps. And I know you want to go HEAVY, but remember that our biggest limiter with each class is TIME. I would loooove to spend a full hour building up to a LEGIT heavy 5 reps.. and that’s because I like to sit on my ‘gainz box’ between sets and let the gainz start to build.. (yknowatimsayin??) For real, tho, you might only get to 70-85% of your 1RM, and that’s okay. We want this shit feeling goood. And if you want to practice ‘touch and go’ deads vs ‘deadstop’, have at it! So long as good form, good technique.. and that mushy stuff.

What I want to see on the workout is some cycling of a heavish power clean. If you’re strong and are good at body weight stuff, you should fly through this.. 5 minutes? Around 12 minutes at most for everyone else. Again, move quickly and consistently.