Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Thrusters (95/65)
7 Hang Power clean (95/65)
10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull (95/65)

**Reaching into the archives for an old CrossFit mainsite workout. This is one that has been programmed SEVEN TIMES since 2008. How cool is that?? This is a great way to track your progress over the years. We do this with the Girl WODs.

I’ll answer one burning question right away – yes, you have to use the same weight for all three movements.

Here’s an “easy” way to attack this. First off, there’s no easy way. Second, treat it as an EMOM or go every 75 seconds (1:15) and build in rest. 20 minutes is a LONG time, so don’t blow your wad in the first 3 minutes and be too gassed to move with purpose the last 5 minutes. Every rep, every second of rest, every sip of water, every approach to the bar, every inhale and exhale should be done with purpose to keep you continuously moving for 20 minutes.

I expect everyone to get at least 10 rounds.

Challenge accepted??
Prove me right, y’all!