Hey Old Cityzens!

Welcome to November! I hope you all remembered to ‘fall back’ Saturday night… yes?

Well a couple more reminders this week is that Friday is a Federal Holiday – Veterans Day – and we are trimming the class schedule *just* a touch but adding an event..

Friday November 10th

7PM – Happy hour at Big Board.

Check your email for the newsletter that went out Wednesday, November 1st, for additional notes and announcements.

Next, I just wanted to say that I hope you all are enjoying these weekly hints and daily blog posts. If you aren’t reading them, you should. Sure, my opinion is a *little* biased since I write them, BUT they are super helpful. Again, a touch biased, but if you’re still new to CrossFit and you’re not sure about a movement or an acronym, I try to include links to the movements as well as videos on how to scale them. Also, most of the workouts have been tested out so we have a good idea of how long it should take or a time you should shoot for, how to break up the reps or combine movements, and if the focus is strength, cardio, or both. And for free I like to add in a little bit of sarcasm and some good old fashioned ribbing.

This week I wanted to talk a little more about our programming again, and focus this time on the warm up and mobility. So far I’ve talked about the layout of the strength programming and how the movements rotate each week. I’ve also talked about the thought processes that goes into the metcons – triplets and couples, time domains, and movements that are similar to what we do for strength.

Regarding the warm up, I’d like to think there’s a ‘pre-warm up’, which is why I feel it’s important you try to get to class at least 5 minutes before the start. This allows you to change out of or put on whatever you need to, grab water or prepare your special workout drink, and read the board if you like to be surprised at what the workout is until you arrive. If you’re one of the latter and hasn’t read the blog post for the day, have the coach bring it up on the iPad so you can get caught up (or ahead of those who haven’t read it), and you can also write down the weights you need if there is percentage based strength for that day. Give yourself some time for Crossover Symmetry work or any additional stretching you might need especially if you have trouble with a rack position or getting to the bottom of a squat.

The last part of the class is the MOBILITY. That is also programmed based on either what you might be sore from having *just* done in the workout, or as a heads up to what might be coming up the next day. So even when all the reps are completed, or the time for the AMRAP is up, you’re still on the clock and still have at least 5 minutes of PROGRAMMED mobility to complete. As I said in the previous paragraph, mobility is part of the programming.

– Quads sore from 2 days ago and you want to do some couch stretching?
– Your traps are angry and you want some smashing?
– Forearms need some extra TLC?

We totally understand. And that’s what any additional time to spare after class (Lord, I can’t believe I’m saying this) – or #TTS – can be used for. Otherwise, you’re still on class time until the coach determines that all objectives – warm up, strength, metcon, mobility – have been successfully completed. Cool? Cool.

Now onto the teasers for the week..

– Getting in some pressing overhead for strength and following it up with some more pressing from different planes/angles. Probably hitting a gymnastics weakness here for some people.

Tuesday – Warm up that front rack position and glutes. Isometric holds are in your future. #winterbuns

– Classic CrossFit chipper today with a bit of history behind it. A good example of a workout that is measureable and repeatable.

Thursday – The couplet today is a spicy combo that you’ll either love, hate, or love to hate. Busting out the dballs today, and this is your chance to try a heavier ball.

Friday– Benching today and the workout is a *little* similar to Monday with pressing from different plans as well as some gymnastics work.

Saturday – Deadlift day plus a special Veterans Day Hero WOD.

**Also, more about TTS