Back squat
1-8 @ 65%
1 -6 @ 75%
2-4 @ 85%
1-4 @ 90%
12 Min AMRAP
10 Russian KBS (70/53)
1++ Box Jumps (30/24)
**When you reach the round of 10 box jumps, keep the reps at 10 swing/10 jumps for the remainder of the time.
New Cityzen WOD
Back Squat
5-5-5-5-5 *increase weight slowly each round
12 Min AMRAP
10 Russian KBS (35/26)
1++ Box Jumps (<=20")
**When you reach the round of 10 box jumps, keep the reps at 10 swing/10 jumps for the remainder of the time.