Bench press
5 – 65%
5 – 70%
5 – 75%
5 – 80%


“Pick your goat”

Strict Muscle Ups
Strict HSPU

Row 20/18 or Bike 15/10 Cals between rounds

**This is a workout people love to skip because it’s stuff they don’t like to do – work on their weaknesses. If you don’t like to bike, you better be biking. If you don’t have HSPU or muscle ups, you better be doing a scaled version that makes them challenging but doable. Avoiding movements you don’t like won’t help you get any better at them. Wondering why your push press or jerk has stalled out? Maybe it’s because you can’t press your body weight. Hmm.. weird how working on one movement helps improve another. *thoughtful emoji* Embrace the suck.