Bench press


HS hold (or free standing/HS walking)
KB Goblet squat – 53/35
Push ups
*Rotate through all movements

**Here’s a chance, after doing bench press, to still work on your press and shoulder strength with should inversions. You can do some handstand walking, holding, etc.. but somehow get upside down. Preference is to kick up against the wall v wall walk, but, again, whatever you can do to get upside down.

A tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated until you’ve completed 8 total rounds of one movement. Today we’ll do it slightly different and move from movement to movement, having 1 round equal the completion of all 3 movements. As with workouts that move quickly, make sure you’re hitting full ROM on both the push ups and goblet squats. There’s the tendency to ‘hunch over’ when you’re squatting, and this prevents you from hitting full hip extension.