Strength 1
Power snatch + Overhead squat

Strength 2
Deadlift Deload
3×5 @ 60% on the 90 sec

Cashout WOD
For time
400m farmer’s carry – 50/35
400m run

**First double strength day of the new cycle, and we’re starting it off with power snatch and overhead squat combo. No squat snatches today, either, so keep these as two separate movements. Spend some time working up to your first workout weight before you knock out that first double. That would be done as power snatch, overhead squat (1); power snatch, overhead squat (2).

The percentage for the deadlift is what you hit last Friday. Still keeping these as deadstop, not touch and go deadlifts.

Wrap things up with some time spent outside with and without a pair of dumbbells *hand heart*