Strength 1
Barbell lunge

Strength 2
Deadlift (deload)
3 x 5 Stiff legged deadlifts (or RDL) @ 40-50% DL 1RM

3 attempts
Row 1 min
Max calories

**Bringing back the ol’ barbell lunge. Remember that the reps are total for each leg, alternating legs on each step backwards. Following this up with some light stiff legged deadlifts or Romanian deadlifts (RDL). What’s the difference? Knee bend.. hence, stiff legged. If you have tight hammies and the movement causes you to compromise your low back bend your knees, stick with the RDL.

Wrap up the class with some sprint work on the ergs. Rest as needed (1-3 min) between attempts. Record your best attempt in ZenPlanner.