Power clean
5 x 3 @ 50%

For time
800m run
30 Clean and jerk – 135/95
20 Strict pull ups
(10-MU Rx+)

**20 min time cap**

**Similar to yesterday’s bench press, we’ve got lighter power cleans today. These should be snappy. If you have a tendency to pull the bar up really high by your chin, work on that aggressive hip extension to elevate the bar and work on pulling yourself UNDER the bar. These should also be light enough to cycle all 3 reps, so keep them as touch and go.

The workout is a “Grace” sandwich. This will be a test of all three modalities that are used to program workouts – metabolic conditioning (cardio), weight lifting, and gymnastics.

You’ll see that this has a 20 min time cap on it, so keep that in mind when preparing to attack this workout. We normally put a 12 min time cap on “Grace”, but let’s lower that to 10, the run should be no longer than 5:30, putting the slowest people at 15:30 before we’ve even done the pull ups. That gives you 4:30 to complete those 20 reps. If you have a few strict pull ups, do what you can before scaling to kipping or even jumping pull ups.