Bench press
3 x 5 @ 50% (taper)

12 min AMRAP
15 Handstand push ups
100m Waiters walk – 53/35
20 V-ups

**You’ll notice the bench press is pretty light today. That’s cool. Use this as an opportunity to slow down and refine your technique – are you touching the bar to your chest and not bouncing it off? Are you using leg drive? Are your shoulder blades retracted? Where are your elbows? If you’re cranking this out in 5 minutes, you’re doing it wrong. Work on a slow decent and an explosive drive up.

The workout will challenge your midline. Struggling to keep the KB overhead on the walk? Keep that belly tight. Wondering why you’re kicking your legs up on those V-ups? Probably need to squeeze that belly and butt. However, if that is happening, scale down to sit ups or “in and outs”.