Weighted pull ups
^or 10 min of strict pull up work


10 Shoulder to overhead – 135/95
8 Front rack lunges – 135/95 (4R/4L)
6 Toes to bar
1 min rest between rounds

**You might notice a couple things we’re doing today that look a little familiar. We’re building on yesterday’s hold work with pull ups, as well as last Monday’s insanely fun barbell lunges.

Looking first at the pull ups, we last did dedicated weighted/strict pull up work back on June 11th, so look back and try to improve on the max weight you used last month. If you’re still working on your strict pull ups, I hope this isn’t the first time in 6 weeks since you’ve done any dedicated work towards pull ups. No need to wait for it to pop up in a workout – do some negatives, chin over holds, DB rows, banded lat pull downs, etc. Every. Day.

Follow this up with a little barbell complex and then getting hands back on the bar. Two days in a row on the rig shouldn’t wreck your hands. Take care of your paws with some finger stretching and callus filing down. It’s a helluva way to spend your night. Each round – 24 reps – should take you less than a minute. So we’re trying to keep that work/rest ratio 1:1 – the fast you move, the more rest you get. If that means scale the weight on the lunges or S2OH – whichever is your weakness – then do so. No need to be a hero today. Wednesday I wanted max effort on the snatches – see how heavy you could go, but today I’m looking for a weight you can move/cycle quickly and efficiently.