Bench press

12 min of
30 sec – hang from the pull up bar
30 sec – DB snatch – weight of choice
1 min rest

*Alternate arms each round
*Score is total number of snatches.

*I know my AM peeps looooove to ask questions, so for the 2 people who read these posts, you’ll already have the answers.
– Yes, you have to hang by your hands.
– No, you don’t have to use both hands if you’re really really strong.
– No, there is no penalty if you drop from the bar, but try to hold on as long as you can.
– Yes, you’re feet have to be off the ground for it to count as a hang (unless you’re scaling it).

Now to the snatch portion… I realize by giving the members power they might lose their ever-loving minds because they are used to being told what to do, and know we’re LETTING them do whatever they want… sort of. To answer more questions..
– Yes, you have to use the same weight for both arms.
– Yes, you can use DB or KB even though DB was written.
– Yes, you can go from the hang or from the ground, just be consistent each round.
– No, you can’t do a clean and jerk. It has to be one continuous motion from the ground (or hang) to overhead.

Not to worry, as movement review will cover any additional questions, and class time will be spent answering these questions again.