Power clean


In 4 minutes, do
400m run
Max Turkish Get ups – 53/35
1 min rest
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds
^Score is total number of TGUs from all 3 rounds

**Getting in some more max effort lifts this week by wrapping up the week and starting off the Oly cycle with some power cleans – ground to shoulder. Hopefully your hip flexors aren’t too taxed from the gazillion KB swings on Thursday, and you might still have in your mind the vertical extension from yesterday’s wall balls to get the bar up so you can get under it.

Wrap up the hour with a nice little couplet – some running at TGUs. A few rules apply here..
– 1 – I don’t care how you break up the TGUs each side. You can do all of them on your right side if you want and your score is going to be the same. I just want ONE number. That’s not ideal, but it’s your funera… I mean, your decision.

– 2 – You have to use the same weight KB for both arms. Let’s say you can kill it with the 70# KB on your left arm, but your dainty right arm can only manage the 18# KB. It looks like you’re using the 18# weight.

Here’s the thing with this workout.. you’ll finish the lap anywhere from 1:30-2:30, leaving you enough time to get in some TGU work, and then we’ve build in some rest for you. Don’t think that a low score is a bad thing. If you can only get 1-2 reps with your weaker arm using the Rx weight or a heavy weight for you, and 8-10 with your stronger arm, GO HEAVIER. You’re not going get that weaker arm stronger by avoiding using heavier or more challenging weight, so stop avoiding it. Also, get in some accessory work after class or at open gym doing strict DB presses. Get stronk!! Single arm presses, overhead walks/holds, etc. Talk with your coach to set something up for you.