Bike – 15/12 calories
15 Power snatch – 95/65
12 Overhead squats – 95/65
9 C2B Pull ups

Rx+ – 135/95

**Loose time cap on this is around 25 minutes. If these movements are your jam, then bump up the weight, but 95/65 should already be something you can rep out under stress. Think of the girl WOD “Nancy” – 5 RFT of 400m run/ 15 OHS at 95/65.

Some might take around 11 minutes to complete, but I’d rather see it closer to 15-20. That might seem short for a workout with no strength attached to it, but I see these as technical movements that need a good warm up to be able to complete successfully. Taking a look at the snatches, overhead squats, and C2B pull ups – which one are you the weakest at? Focus on that. I’m not saying cruise through the others, but if you need to scale them, do so in a way that they are still manageable in sets of 3-4, but still challenging.

So get in, and get in a nice long warm up with some mobility work, and tackle this workout head on.