Push press

Partner workout
6 RFT (each each person does 3 rounds)
3 Wall walks
6 Sumo deadlift high pull (115/75)
9 Thrusters (115/75)
*One person works while the other rests.

**I’ve been on ya for awhile for push press, but I’ll say it again because it bears repeating – one knee bend/dip and drive. Down up. Squeeze your butt. Jump while keeping your feet planted. I’m going through my Rolodex of cues to try and get you to *NOT* do a push jerk? What is that you might ask? Wait for another time, because I don’t want the incorrect movement to be ingrained in your mind. Until then.. down and up, dip and drive, down and finish.. whatever works for you – find it, do it, repeat.

The workout will pit you and your workout wife/husband against other gym couples. Partner up with someone using the same weight. Move as quickly and efficiently through the movements while hitting full ROM. If you need to scale the wall walks, go as close to the wall as you feel comfortable; feet elevated on a box to pike position and back; or standing to inchworm and back up. Walk your hands away from the wall while your feet descend and you finish at the bottom of a push ups with your chest on the ground.