Strength 1
85% x 2

Strength 2
70% 3×3 (120s Rest)


Max DB Hang Squat Cleans (45/30)
-or use BB (95/65)-
5 Burpees on the minute
*Start with the burpees

**After dropping back a little on the percentages last week, we’re building back up again to 85%. Reminder that the % that we’re going off of is the new deadlift max we want to hit at the end of this cycle. If your current max is 300#, you should be shooting for at least 315#. We know you can do 300#, so shoot for a new PR.

All sets are pick up/set down, dead stop deadlifts.

Cashout should look similar to last week – if you chose barbell last week, go for dumbbells today. Don’t pick one or the other “because it’s easier”, said actual members last week. Challenge yourself. You won’t get better at something if you continue to avoid it.

And as with Monday’s hang squat cleans with the barbell, ya gotta STAND UP ALL THE WAY, THEN go to the hang. Did I say that loud enough? Cuz I know it’s gonna happen. No matter how much the coach demos the movement and asks ‘does it make sense? do a few reps to show me,’ and it does and you do, you’re going to do a clean from the ground. No rep yourself. Please. Just be honest. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? No. Will it make me less angry and shout less through the interwebs? Maybe just a little.

Score is total reps. Just keep counting up. One big number.