Bench press
10-10-10 @ AHAP


For time:
Run 400
20 Clean and Jerks (165/105)
Run 400
20 Clean and Jerks (165/105)

**I hope these higher volume workouts – squat, bench, push press – are giving you guys an idea of what you can do, how far you can push yourself both physically AND mentally. The thing I’ll mention here about bench press form is keep your feet on the ground – or on plates – and ass on the bench. When you feel your form going.. scratch that.. BEFORE you feel your form starting to blow, you should be pressing your feet into the ground as hard as you can. LEG DRIVE, YO! YOU HAZ IT! USE IT!. Brace, brace, brace, before you lift the bar out of the rack. If your legs are flailing up all over the place, there’s a good chance your core isn’t bracing and you’re not using your legs. How do you prevent that? USE YOUR LEGS. We’ve seen it before during strict press – sure, it’s just an upper body movement of shoulder to overhead, but you can most likely press more weight or move the bar with more speed if you’re tight as hell from your midsection down, rooting your feet into the ground. Try it.

Then you’ll be running and doing some clean and jerks. Personally, I’m not a fan of doing singles – 1 clean and jerk *drop!* 1 clean and jerk *droop* 1 clean and jerk… you get the idea. I’m more impressed by those who can cycle the weight for 2-4+ reps. Sure this is heavy, but maybe a weakness of yours is cycling heavy weights. Will you get better at that by doing singles all the time? Hmmmm…. no. Is your grip a bit taxed from Friday’s dumbbell work? Probably. I’ll copy/paste something from just a few lines up.. “how far you can push yourself both physically AND mentally.”